Adhaar Card Work From Home Government Jobs 2024
Remote Work: Freshers and experienced candidates can apply for this Adhaar card work from home government jobs via the email id provided on uidai portal. Laptop is important to do this work from home. headphone and net connection are needed. The application form is given in the official website. aspirant must fill out the application form and send it to the email id provided in uidai portal. also now recruit Degree studying 3rd year / 4th-year students and graduates and master degree passed candidates can apply for this govt Job. Direct interview and no application fee are charged for this remote interview. work from home jobs all over india.
WFH job Vacancy 2024
Interested and eligible persons can fulfil all eligibility criteria mentioned in the notification. Applicants are requested to read the full official notification carefully to know about the process of Examinations and Interview, Application Fee, How to Apply etc. are before going apply.
Organisation: Adhaar Department
Job Category: Private Jobs
Post Name: internship
No of Vacancies: Various
Job Location: Bangalore Work From Home (Remote work)
Post Name & Vacancy Details 2024
Fresher and Experienced candidates also eligible
Education Qualification for Chennai Careers:
Private Jobs Eligibility Details: Applicants should be completed the following education criteria below are the educational qualifications to look for employment as declared by the work-from-home recruitment 2024 – Adhaar dept uidai
Eligibility criteria
Additional Eligibilities
Only Indian Citizens are eligible to apply under this policy. Bonafide students of any recognized University/ Institution within India or abroad, fulfilling following conditions are eligible to apply for the internship:
- a. Students studying in 3 rd / 4th year (Final or pre-final) in B.Tech / BE course of any discipline and secured minimum 60% marks (GPA avg of 6.0) in all prior semester examinations.
- b. Graduate students who have completed or appeared in their first-year/second-semester term-end exams of their postgraduate program, or those pursuing research or a PhD, and have secured at least 60% or equivalent marks in their graduation are eligible.
- c. The students who have appeared in the final exam or just completed Graduation/PG and waiting for admission for higher studies or job may also be considered for internship provided that
i. They have secured 60 % or more cumulative marks in all the years/ semesters of their graduation/ post-graduation till the date of application.
ii. The period between the declaration of the final exam results and the desired start month of the internship should not exceed six months. For example, if the results are declared in June, the applicant can apply for internships starting until December.
Period: The period of Internship shall be at least six weeks but not exceeding 12 months. Interns not completing the requisite period will not be issued any certificate.
Work From Home Jobs Eligibility Details:
Central government has announced off-campus recruitment for Any Graduates. Eligibility Criteria and how to apply for this hiring are shared in this article. check notification
The Aadhaar card is a unique identification document issued by the Indian government to residents of India. It contains a 12-digit unique identification number, along with biometric and demographic data of the cardholder. An Aadhaar card is used for various purposes such as opening a bank account, applying for a passport, and availing government services.
To verify an Aadhaar card, one can visit the official website of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) and use the Aadhaar Verification service. The service allows individuals and organizations to verify the authenticity of an Aadhaar card by entering the cardholder’s 12-digit Aadhaar number and their name or biometric details.
Note that you should only verify your Aadhaar card through official channels and never disclose your Aadhaar card details to unauthorized persons or organizations.
Salary for these private jobs
- Work From Home Rs. 15,000 – Rs.30,000 per month
- Work From Office Rs. 25,000 – Rs.40,000 per month
Virtual Selection Process for this Government Job:
- interview
Application Fee:
No Application Fee
Application info
- All the interns should work either at the Technology Centre, Bengaluru or Regional offices of UIDAI or UIDAI Headquarters or assigned from a remote location under the guidance of Project Supervisor (not below the Director rank).
- Internship is neither a job nor an assurance of Job with the Authority. However, UIDAI hires Technical Executives from premium Engineering colleges on payroll of NISG. During campus hiring, Selection Committee may give weightage to interns provided that :
i. UIDAI visit for campus hiring in that colleges where intern studying.
ii. Already shortlisted for interview on own merit through written examination process of campus hiring.
iii. During internship in UIDAI, project Supervisor awarded higher rating to such intern(s).
How to apply for these wfh jobs
interested and eligible aspirants can apply online. Before applying for the above Posts, Candidates should meet all eligibility criteria published in the online notification. Salary Details:
How to Apply:
If you’re a student who’s interested and eligible, you’ll need to apply online through the UIDAI website when the application period is announced. Until the online application system is set up, you can apply using the prescribed form (Annexure-X) and send it to the appropriate UIDAI Regional Office, Technology Centre, or Headquarters Division. This form includes the details of the concerned Deputy Director and the postal address.
For those applying for a 1-year internship, make sure you submit your application within six months of completing your final exam, as specified in section 4.1 ‘c’ of the guidelines.
Your application must be sponsored or forwarded by your current institution, following the prescribed format. If you’re selected, the Regional Office or division may ask you to provide a soft copy of your NOC (No Objection Certificate) from your Head of Department or Principal before they issue you an offer letter. The NOC should also confirm that you won’t be enrolled in any course requiring your attendance during the internship.
When you join, the Tech Centre, Regional Office, or division will need to see the original NOC from your college or institution and verify your eligibility using the original documents. If there are any discrepancies, your application will be canceled by UIDAI.